English Major Course Level 10 Course Description

English Major Course Level 10

This level builds on the vocabulary, grammar and language learning of Levels 1-9 and further extends the students by giving more informal, real-life opportunities for using English. Students will participate in regular discussions around topics, such as social conventions, road safety and healthy lifestyles.

In addition, students will take part in explicit listening exercises, supporting them to listen out for specific words, identify key words and understand the ‘gist’ of a conversational text. Writing skills are also taught more explicitly at this stage, with students partaking in writing focused activities in each session. In lessons early in the unit, students will work on improving sentences, before applying this to write specific text types.

In the assessment lesson at the end of the unit, students will combine this new learning to plan and write an extended piece of writing. This is then jointly reviewed by the teacher and student to identify key strengths, areas for development and next steps in the learning process. Other topics covered in Level 10 include greetings around the world, fashion, transport systems, map reading and balanced lifestyles.