English Major Course Level 5 Course Description

English Major Course Level 5

In this course, students will build on their language learning from Level 4. This will be achieved through a specific focus on a range of language skills, reading skills and math skills. To do this, lessons will introduce a wider range of new vocabulary including nouns, verbs and adjectives, key action words, sentence examples, and role play. Learning is contextualized in age-appropriate topics, including time, food, history, rules, and natural resources.

The English Major Course Level 5 lessons introduce alternative spellings in phonics, such as ‘ch’ and ‘sh’, ‘ph’ for /f/, ‘wh’ for /w/ and ‘ck’ for /k/ as well as other common digraphs, such as ‘th; and ‘nk’. Phonics readers will provide students with the opportunity to read words featuring the new sounds in context and identify words containing these sounds. Lessons continue to introduce new high frequency sight words to support students to speed up their recognition of common words and thereby speed up their reading.

In grammar, students will be introduced to a wide range of grammatical rules, including the use of singular and plural demonstratives in questions, the simple past tense, irregular past tense verbs, contractions, possessive pronouns, prepositions of time, synonyms, and conjunctions.

Opportunities for math learning will also support learners’ progress and development of English vocabulary. In Level 5, students will learn to describe the 2D and 3D shapes and composite shapes, specific vocabulary to describe measurements and comparing numbers, one and two step word problem, and even and odd numbers.

A writing project running throughout the unit will allow the students to apply new vocabulary within a writing task that is presented to the teacher in the final lesson of the unit. This gives the students to showcase their ability to use full and compound sentences as they advance in the curriculum.